Each topic contains a discussion of issues and goals, and describes how the City and its partners will go about accomplishing these goals.

Why & How

Why & How

The planokc Process

Our city includes many individuals, perspectives, and landscapes, all of which contribute to the mosaic of Oklahoma City. planokc is based on an extensive community input process, which asked our diverse residents to envision an economically, socially, civically, and environmentally healthy city of the future. Throughout this process, city planners complemented community perspectives with quantifiable data about demographics, land use patterns, and development patterns. This section summarizes the public engagement process and the results of those efforts.

The planokc process was designed to provide the time needed for thoughtful public engagement and an understanding of community values and priorities. It is a plan of the people, whose sense of ownership and active participation are essential to successful implementation and community stewardship.

planokc was adopted by the Planning Commission on July 9, 2015, and by the City Council on July 21, 2015.

planokc Process Overview
Public Participation
Over 20,000 people participated in the development of planokc.