What is a comprehensive plan and who uses it?
A comprehensive plan is a policy document used by city leaders, developers, business owners and citizens to make decisions about future growth and development. planokc provides long range policy direction for land use, transportation, economic development, housing, public services, and natural and cultural resources. It serves as a guide for elected and public officials by providing the framework for evaluating development proposals. It lays out a community vision and priorities and describes, where, how, and in some cases when development should occur.
Why do we need a comprehensive plan?
Cities need a comprehensive plan to ensure that decisions made today will result in efficient and sustainable growth in the future. Policies contained in comprehensive plans are meant to ensure orderly growth and protect the public’s best interests. As cities grow, having a comprehensive plan in place enables local governments to identify and respond to changing community needs and desires in a thoughtful rather than reactive way.
What is the difference between and comprehensive plan and zoning?
A comprehensive plan is a policy document that guides general land use patterns. Zoning regulates specific uses, including the scale and intensity of development. To fully understand how land can be used, you first need to know the land use designation in the comprehensive plan, as well as the specific zoning district of a parcel as set forth in the Zoning Code. Just as changing the zoning for a parcel requires a rezoning application, a change to the land use designation requires a comprehensive plan amendment.
What happens once the plan is adopted?
Once the plan is adopted, the real work begins! Implementation of a city-wide comprehensive land use plan is a significant effort. We will prioritize tasks and time frames, and will track progress over several years. Implementing the plan is just as important as creating it. Good relationships and communication with citizens, business owners, nonprofits, and other agencies is critical as we move forward. We want to ensure that the effort that went into creating the plan is respected and the policies are implemented as intended.
Can a comprehensive plan be changed once it is adopted?
Yes. An amendment to the plan requires approval and adoption by the Planning Commission, and acceptance by City Council.