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Visit Why & How to learn about our process for creating this Plan. You can also learn how to get started with this site.

The topic areas below are a quick and easy way to find out how the City is planning around topics that matter to you. Click to see the solutions planokc will implement to carry out our goals.
Find detailed information with our map-based tool and text guide for the physical development of the city. Useful for developers and for those who are interested in how, where, and when development should occur.
Browse the Development Guideplanokc is based on eight areas of interest called Elements. Choose an Element below for an in-depth look at our goals, challenges, and initiatives.
As the future land use element of planokc, sustainokc guides growth and development with the goal of establishing efficient and highly functional land use patterns. sustainokc contains initiatives that will direct the location, type, intensity, and form of all development types.
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Moving people is the focus of connectokc. Its initiatives lead toward creating more transportation options, safe places to walk and bicycle, and an efficient system that allows people and goods to travel throughout Oklahoma City.
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greenokc, the environmental and natural resources element of planokc, assesses the impacts of development on ecological systems and contains initiatives that will ensure that we maintain a healthy environment as we accommodate growth.
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liveokc, the communities element of planokc, establishes initiatives designed to improve livability and strengthen neighborhoods throughout the city. It focuses on enhancing existing assets to increase our safety, choices, and opportunities.
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enrichokc encompasses historic preservation, urban design, and arts and culture. Its initiatives express and promote Oklahoma City’s identity through the built environment and cultural opportunities.
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As the parks and recreation element for planokc, playokc outlines how parks, open spaces, and recreational programs will be funded, developed, and maintained to meet the needs of our growing city.
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strengthenokc contains strategies for strengthening our economy. It guides the City’s efforts to create and attract jobs, diversify our economy, and maintain a stable and growing tax base.
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serveokc, planokc’s public services element, addresses public safety, water, sewer, solid waste, library, and education services and the efficiency with which they are provided. serveokc’s initiatives focus on building a resilient future for Oklahoma City.
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Visit Why & How to learn about our process for creating this Plan. You can also learn how to get started with this site.
planokc is Oklahoma City's new comprehensive plan. If this is your first time here, click "Getting Started" to learn how planokc is organized.
Getting Started