Each topic contains a discussion of issues and goals, and describes how the City and its partners will go about accomplishing these goals.

Development Guide

Development Guide

Sanitary Sewer

Current Conditions

Criteria for Prioritization

(ranked by Priority, 1 being highest priority)

The analysis of sanitary sewer need is illustrated below. It includes the following categories:

Dark Green = Fully served areas (within 1/8th of a mile of a sewer line).

Light Green = Within 1/2 mile of a downstream main; or within sewer sheds that are efficient to serve.

Yellow = Within open shed or partially open shed. Need for new capital investment to open entirely to new development.

Orange = Potential long-term connectivity to the overall system based on significant capital investment to expand infrastructure.

Red = Need for major investment on the scale of lift stations or a new wastewater treatment plant.

  1. Coordination with other Primary Services – If sewer is preventing urbanized development in areas already serviced by fire or water, then expand to provide efficiencies between all utilities.
  2. Urban Growth Areas – Prioritize areas designated for urban growth as defined by the Urban – Low Intensity and Urban Reserve land use typology areas (Urban Reserve to open to urban development only through amendment to planokc).
  3. Development Velocity – Prioritize areas where expansion of services will serve many potential new developments in the short-term as opposed to a single development.