Develop and implement a Comprehensive Public Art Master Plan to:

  • Establish goals and a framework for the rational development of a public art program for Oklahoma City
  • Integrate public art into each of the City’s key development initiatives and community sectors with a plan for both permanent and temporary placement processes that facilitate new public art coordination and investment.
  • Create an administrative and financial structure (with roles and responsibilities) to efficiently and effectively facilitate multi-departmental and multi-agency public art partnerships.
  • Evaluate the current development/design/art review processes and make recommendations for improved and streamlined public art policies and procedures for both permanent and temporary public art (including murals).
  • Involve the community in the process of public art selection to build consensus for the program.
  • Include an educational component to reinforce the value of public art in the public realm for all ages and cultures.
  • Provide a plan for maintaining the value and physical integrity of the City’s public art collection.