We will plan for mid- to long-term solid waste service. The City should contribute to the development and completion of the long-range solid waste study and incorporate applicable recommendations and policies into planokc. A key element of the study should be addressing future landfill needs, with existing landfills scheduled for completion between 2022 and 2026. The study should consider whether service is best provided by private operators or municipal or regional entities. It should also address strategies to prolong the life of existing and future fills by reducing the waste stream.

We will encourage residents to divert waste from landfills. The City should implement aggressive programs to expand participation in recycling programs. These efforts should assess and improve the convenience of programs, making it as easy as possible for customers to participate on a routine basis; expand public relations and educational efforts on the benefits of recycling and the cost savings that can accrue to taxpayers. A waste reduction program should also coordinate with the county extension offices and neighboring jurisdictions to improve public outreach efforts about the benefits of backyard composting. Diverting recyclables and compost materials from the waste stream will lessen the strain on our landfills.