Each topic contains a discussion of issues and goals, and describes how the City and its partners will go about accomplishing these goals.


Cities are economic entities, places where people come together to work and to build. Without self-sustaining and growing economic activity, cities lose their essence and stagnate. Strong, diverse, and creative urban economies generate jobs, wealth, and innovation.

Oklahoma City has long been associated with energy resources and production, and the image of oil wells on the State Capitol lawn is known around the nation. In more recent years, the city’s economy has gained strength through both its traditional energy sector and diversification into new areas, including research, health care, manufacturing, and finance. Very importantly, Oklahoma City has also gained a reputation as a place of quality, with assets that attract entrepreneurs and young professionals. The investments made by previous and current MAPS projects have paid off by strengthening our national reputation. Images of oil wells have been complemented by those of Bricktown, the Thunder, a dynamic music and arts scene, and the variety of corporations that call Oklahoma City home. These advances provide a solid foundation for more quality economic growth, making it possible to achieve the other goals of planokc.

strengthenokc is the economic development element of planokc. It identifies strategies that strengthen our economy and protect the City’s tax revenues by capitalizing on our strengths and overcoming our challenges. Its recommendations build on Oklahoma City’s traditional and new economies, creating the growth that will propel us to new heights for this still new century. It sets priorities based on both immediate needs and potential for building a healthy, diversified economy.