Each topic contains a discussion of issues and goals, and describes how the City and its partners will go about accomplishing these goals.

Getting Started

Welcome to the digital version of planokc, Oklahoma City’s comprehensive plan. Here you can find detailed guidelines for new development in the Development Guide, explore plan initiatives and polices about various topics, or browse the various elements of the plan.  You can also download a copy of planokc, its maps, studies, or individual sections.

planokc Purpose

planokc is the manifestation of a common vision developed through years of analysis and input from Oklahoma City residents, business professionals, community stakeholders and City government officials. As Oklahoma City’s first new comprehensive plan since 1977, it will be the foundation for policy, infrastructure, and planning decisions for years to come, providing the path to a better quality of life and sustainable, efficient, and successful development.

Our City’s needs are evolving along with a diversifying and growing population, and we’re making improvements in areas like housing and transportation choice, health, and beautification. We’re struggling with maintaining air and water quality, our retailers face intensifying out-of-town and online competition, the diversification of our economy is only beginning, and our older neighborhoods are in need of additional reinvestment.

planokc identifies ways to maximize Oklahoma City’s strengths. Our strong economy is already driving an urban renaissance that can be nurtured to its full potential and provide fertile ground for sustainable business and employment growth. The City is also becoming popular with young adults, and our residents have shown a determination to invest in infrastructure and quality-of-life initiatives.

Big Ideas

We will achieve our goals as a City by focusing on what planokc calls the seven Big Ideas:

  • Develop a transportation system that works for everyone.
  • Increase housing choice and diversity for all lifestyles.
  • Build an urban environment that facilitates health and wellness.
  • Develop great places that attract people and catalyze development and innovation.
  • Ensure stable, safe, attractive, and vibrant neighborhoods.
  • Develop efficiently to achieve fiscal sustainability and improve our quality of life.
  • Preserve rural character and natural resources.

It’s not just business and residential development that stand to benefit from these ideas, but our children’s future. For example, improving our neighborhoods will stabilize the foundation upon which our schools depend, helping to better prepare our children to compete in the global economy.


The initiatives, policies, and actions outlined in planokc are designed to fulfill the plan’s goals and big ideas, which crystallized during the development of planokc. The initiatives accommodate everyone from the students in our schools to retirees to families in rural areas of the city to young adults without cars who want to live, work, shop, dine, and socialize downtown.

Oklahoma City aspires to cement its status as a dynamic community in modern America. planokc provides policy makers, business leaders, developers, and residents the tools and ideas they need to make this happen.