We will provide an appropriate level of service to citizens of all parts of the city. The Parks Master Plan identified level of service standards and deficits experienced by each of its four tiers. These level of service goals recognize that park service expectations are not the same for each tier. For example, central city areas with higher population densities, lower average household incomes, and less access to alternative facilities require (and should expect) a different level of service from rural areas with very low population and less dependence on the public recreation system.
We will provide full local park service in existing urban areas by filling current level of service gaps. Existing local and regional parks will provide most park services in developed areas. The City’s new park focus in these neighborhoods will concentrate on filling service gaps. The City should conduct a site selection and acquisition process for new park sites within areas that lack adequate local park service. Park sites should be considered for access and their ability to stabilize neighborhoods and encourage new private investment. A partnership of public funds through bond issues and private philanthropic contributions may provide financing for development of parks within these established, under-served neighborhoods, particularly when they are very dependent on public park service.
We will concentrate on developing regional public parks in developing areas and establish local parks through other means. Developing areas also require park service, but new park acquisition and development is difficult with limited capital and operational budgets. In these areas, with their lower population densities, the City’s focus should be on regional parks, with their ability to serve a larger population. In developing areas, local parks should focus on joint use with school sites or along trails when using public funds for purchase and development. Local parks that serve specific neighborhood needs should be privately built and operated. Regional or public local park development in development areas may be funded in part through an impact fee, based on the proportionate park area demand generated by new households multiplied by a factor for acquisition and park development.